Call us Today 1-888-229-6500
Call us Today 1-888-229-6500

Terms and Conditions

Product Depiction

Product images are a representation of the actual product. We attempt to display product images as accurately as possible; however images may vary from the actual product. If you have any questions about any of our products please contact us by phone, email or live chat.


We make every effort to keep our product inventory status current; however inventory levels change quickly and cannot be guaranteed. If you would like to confirm that inventory is available for immediate delivery, please contact us by phone, email or live chat.


Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, payments are due in full before delivery. We accept: VISA, MASTERCARD and AMERICAN EXPRESS. Upon approval for credit, payment terms are Net 30 Days unless otherwise agreed upon. Tri-County Supply reserves the right, at its discretion to refuse credit to anyone it deems unsuitable for the privilege. Overdue accounts will automatically have their credit withdrawn until balance is paid in full. Accounts not paid within the agreed upon terms will be subject to a 2% monthly finance charge.

For assistance with invoices and payments, please contact
Payment can be made by:
-Credit card
-ACH Direct Deposit
-Mailing a cheque to the office, 7109 Dan McGuire Drive, Brighton MI 48116


There are four easy ways to order from Tri-County Supply:

  1. Shop Online:
  2. Telephone: 1-800-229-6500
  3. Email:
  4. Fax: 1-810-222-1212


Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, all pricing is subject to change without notice. Please contact our order desk for confirmed pricing.


Tri-County Supply does not have a minimum order. Orders less than $250 will be subject to a shipping and handling fee of $15.00, which is applicable to Tri-County Supply service area only. This does not apply for walk-in trade counter orders or pick up orders.


Tri-County Supply is required by law to add the appropriate current tax rate to all invoice sub-totals.


All orders submitted before 4:00pm, will be shipped within 48 business hours, subject to conditions outside of our control. Orders submitted after 4:00 pm will be processed the following business day.


At Tri-County Supply, we are committed to your full satisfaction and offer a 90-day return policy on our stocked products, subject to conditions as explained below. To begin a return, please contact our Customer Care Team.

Within 30 Days of the Invoice Date:
All stocked items may be returned within 30 days of the invoice date. If you are unhappy with the product or it did not work as expected, a full refund will be issued in the form of an in-store credit to your account.

Within 90 Days of the Invoice Date:
Unopened stocked items that are in original packaging may be returned and will be subject to a 25% restocking fee. A refund will be made in the form of an in-store credit to your account. Items that have been used, opened, or not in original condition, no longer qualify for a return and/or credit.

Final Sale and Special-Order Items:
Orders for final sale or special-order items cannot be cancelled or returned, and do not qualify for a refund. These items will be noted on the order confirmation and invoice.


Our team takes great care in filling, checking and packaging your order. In the event of loss or damage, please note such on the delivery receipt and obtain an inspection report from the freight carrier immediately. It is the responsibility of the consignee to do a piece count before receiving and signing for any product and file any damage or missing claims with the carrier promptly after inspection. Claims must be filed within 3 days of receipt of shipment. For assistance, please contact our Customer Service Department at: 1-800-265-5756.


Tri-County Supply will pick up and dispose of waste from a customer upon request. The waste can only be packaging from products purchased from Tri-County Supply (example: drums, cubes, skids etc.). There will be a $50.00 Disposal Fee for any waste returned to Tri-County Supply from any customer.  For Empty Plastic Drums Specifically,  the charge is $15.00 per drum.


Same day pick-up of an order is available at Tri-County Supply’s office at 7109 Dan McGuire Drive, Brighton MI. Same day pick up is not available for online orders; please call Tri-County Supply office.

Shipping Terms and Delivery Fee Guidelines

  • Tri-County Supply charges a $9.95 Shipping & Handling Fee on every order. Tri-County Supply Service Area is determined by zip code listing below; the map provided is only an illustration of the approximate area included.
  • Any delivery to locations outside of Tri-County Supply Service Area will be charged a delivery fee of 20% of the subtotal for the order.
  • Locations available for delivery include Mainland USA. For non – continental USA locations , please contact our office directly as online ordering is not available and these regions are subject to alternate delivery terms and fees.
  • Tri-County Supply reserves the right to charge freight and handling fees including, without limitation, fees for small orders, special handling and deliveries outside our normal shipping area (refer to service area map for exact boundaries).
  • For any same day or next day deliveries, please contact our office before 10:00AM. A minimum charge of $49.99 will be applied for same day delivery and $29.99 for next day delivery. Same day and next day delivery is not available through online ordering. For large orders or locations outside our service area, please contact our team for a quote.
  • The following postal code regions are in Tri-County Supply Service Area:
48002 48331 48108 48504 48201 49272
48088 48436 48180 48912 48304 48076
48164 48854 48229 48047 48370 48141
48215 48025 48346 48118 48529 48208
48323 48096 48455 48189 49240 48313
48414 48169 48882 48240 48067 48382
48836 48223 48038 48359 48128 48821
48003 48334 48109 48505 48202 49277
48089 48438 48183 48915 48306 48080
48165 48854 48230 48048 48371 48143
48216 48026 48348 48120 48532 48209
48324 48098 48462 48192 49251 48314
48418 48170 48892 48242 48070 48383
48837 48224 48041 48359 48130 48821
48005 48335 48111 48506 48203 49283
48091 48439 48184 48917 48306 48081
48165 48855 48234 48050 48374 48146
48217 48030 48348 48122 48808 48210
48326 48101 48473 48193 49254 48315
48428 48174 48895 48243 48071 48386
48840 48225 48042 48360 48135 48823
48009 48336 48111 48507 48204 49285
48092 48439 48185 48933 48307 48082
48167 48857 48235 48051 48375 48150
48218 48033 48350 48124 48813 48211
48327 48103 48473 48195 49259 48316
48429 48175 48906 48243 48072 48387
48842 48226 48043 48362 48137 48823
48015 48340 48114 48509 48205 48083
48093 48440 48186 49201 48309 48152
48167 48864 48236 48062 48377 48212
48219 48034 48353 48125 48816 48317
48328 48104 48502 48197 49264 48390
48429 48176 48910 48301 48073 48824
48842 48227 48044 48363 48138 48084
48017 48341 48115 48519 48206 48154
48094 48442 48187 49202 48310 48213
48168 48864 48237 48065 48380 48320
48220 48035 48356 48126 48819 48393
48329 48105 48503 48198 49269 48825
48430 48178 48911 48302 48075 48085
48843 48228 48045 48367 48139 48158
48021 48342 48116 48519 48207 48214
48095 48451 48188 49203 48312 48322
48168 48872 48238 48066 48381 48411
48221 48036 48357 48127 48820 48827